Average score 2309 Reviews
Raphael Gabelle noted on Google
1 month agoLISA aa noted on Google
1 month agoHeather Demestre noted on Google
Bon buffet à volonté (Translated by Google) Good all-you-can-eat buffet
1 month agoAdèle RENARD noted on Google
1 month agoJeanne Herrmann noted on Google
1 month agojean-baptiste Hennequin (Zyrus) noted on Google
1 month agoCFE CGC CRIT noted on Google
1 month agoMissaudrey49 Audrey noted on Google
Toujours bien reçu et délicieux (Translated by Google) Always well received and delicious
1 month agoChristian Malherbe noted on Google
Restaurant très agréable, souriant et accueillant (Translated by Google) Very pleasant, smiling and welcoming restaurant
1 month ago
J’ai adoré la disposition du buffet. Nems, langoustines, viandes crues, bonbecs, frites, donuts. Un mélange de culture qui ravit les papilles. Les assiettes sont retirées à peine vide, un joli ballet des serveurs on se croirait à l’opéra de Paris. La gastronomie et la poésie se mélange. Un lieu formidable qui mérite d’être visité. Le vigile a été très réactif quand j’ai essayé de partir sans payer ! La sécurité est au top 👍👍 (Translated by Google) I loved the layout of the buffet. Spring rolls, langoustines, raw meats, sweets, fries, donuts. A mix of culture that delights the taste buds. The plates are removed as soon as they are empty, a lovely ballet from the waiters that feels like a Paris opera. Gastronomy and poetry mix. A great place that is worth visiting. The security guard was very responsive when I tried to leave without paying! Security is top notch 👍👍
1 month ago