Très bon et sympathique (Translated by Google) Very good and friendly
12일 전Excellent je viens souvent 😘❤️rien à redire (Translated by Google) Excellent I come often 😘❤️nothing to complain about
12일 전Super bon (Translated by Google) Super good
13일 전Super
13일 전J’ai adoré la disposition du buffet. Nems, langoustines, viandes crues, bonbecs, frites, donuts. Un mélange de culture qui ravit les papilles. Les assiettes sont retirées à peine vide, un joli ballet des serveurs on se croirait à l’opéra de Paris. La gastronomie et la poésie se mélange. Un lieu formidable qui mérite d’être visité. Le vigile a été très réactif quand j’ai essayé de partir sans payer ! La sécurité est au top 👍👍 (Translated by Google) I loved the layout of the buffet. Spring rolls, langoustines, raw meats, sweets, fries, donuts. A mix of culture that delights the taste buds. The plates are removed as soon as they are empty, a lovely ballet from the waiters that feels like a Paris opera. Gastronomy and poetry mix. A great place that is worth visiting. The security guard was very responsive when I tried to leave without paying! Security is top notch 👍👍
14일 전